Sunday, July 10, 2011


Tiger tiger burning bright
In the forests of the night
What fear you bring to the souls of men
A single glance
A game of chance
Shall condemn
To a silent fearful end
Tiger tiger burning bright
In the forests of the night
What hate do you invoke
A trap, a trap! Is set for death
Waiting with the baited breath
To set and snap and choke
To pour water on a fire
The smoke shouting Liar! Liar!
Tiger tiger burning bright
In the forests of the night
What a simple wish is said
When a single tear is shed
Dawn arises, what soft light
Destroys the night
Tiger tiger burning bright
In the forests of the night
A shooting star its death a plight
Against the rage of the light

Friday, July 8, 2011

What scares me

But the one thing, the one thing that scares me most, the scares the shit out of me, is “Where are we?” I know it doesn’t sound very frightening, but go outside in field late at night, look up at the stars, and think about this. Where the fuck are we? Like, where the fuck is our universe? Is it just a thought? An idea? You’ll know when you understand this when you suddenly feel so alone and afraid. It scares me.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I love film. I absolutley, definitley, in all ways love it. I love being the one directing or being behind the camera. it almost gives me a sense of 'power' but not with having to be seen, which I like. Anyways, I had the best idea for a comedy this morning. It involves: 2 gay guys (btw-im not homo, homophobic, or any of those other homos) , a wedding, 2 wedding dresses, and a slight accident with silver shoes :)
More later,

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Doctor Who

So the very first DW I watched was The End of The world with Eccleston. I didn't know it then, but that was the start of a long obsession of all things Doctor Who. My favorite Doctor is Tennant, of course

Oh, Btw....

I used to have a blog that quite a few people knew of, it was called Love, Friends, and Doctor Who. It got deleted *sob* so I'm starting a new one.


What do I love? I love my family, my friends, my music ^_^, my dog, and you.
Family: Well, sometimes they really get n my nerves, specially my brother, but dont all brothers?
Friends: :) I couldnt live without you guys
Music: Couldnt live without this one either.....
Dog: Some to talk to
You: Since the end of eight grade


I think this is in need of explaining.... So in drivers ed the teacher always told us that a stop sign represents a 'peace sign' where we stop, breathe in the peace, look for cars, and THEN go. SO this is a reminder to breathe in that peace!

Peace Love and Doctor Who

Hi everyone! This is about, well, peace, love and Doctor Who :) And any other randomness that comes into my random life :) First thing, I love emotes ;) so if it bothers you, dont look at it :) Thats all for now, PaperCrane